Keith Zimmer Executive Associate A.D. - Life Skills (402) 472-4616 kzimmer@huskers.com

Stacey Burling Director of Education & Engagement Programs (402) 472-4626 sburling@huskers.com

Kate Frazier Assistant Director of Life Skills (402) 472-7900 kfrazier@huskers.com

Mya Felder Coordinator for Strategic Initiatives mfelder@huskers.com
Courtney Wallace Assistant Coordinator for Strategic Initiatives cwallace5@unl.edu

Leah Huber Administrative Assistant (402) 472-4966 lhuber@huskers.com
(402) 472-4611
(402) 472-4609
Mailing Address:
Nebraska Life Skills
One Memorial Stadium
PO Box 880219
Lincoln, NE 68588-0163