Softball Team Request Form


We encourage you to attend our home games this year. You, your coaching staff, and your team are allowed to attend our home games for free through our complimentary admissions policy (there are a limited number of tickets for each game). Also, each game will feature a team aged K-6th grade that will be Anthem Buddies and interact with the Husker players prior to the game. This is limited to one team per game.

If you would like to attend a game, please fill out the Team Request form. If you qualify and would like to be Anthem Buddies, please check availability below and when you email your form, be sure to note that you would like to be ANTHEM BUDDIES for that game. You will be notified with a confirmation that the date you requested is available as both the tickets and the Anthem Buddies games will go quickly!

Instructions for receiving complimentary admissions to Husker home softball games:

  • Download the Team Request Form from this link and fill it out alphabetically for all coaches and players. Any others accompanying the team (such as family members, chaperones, etc) would need to purchase tickets, if available. We do expect some sellouts this year so would recommend purchasing tickets asap! Do not sign the form in advance. All those entering via the form will need to sign in for admittance at the door.
  • Email this sheet to the Nebraska Ticket Office at by noon 2 days prior to the game you are requesting, or by Thursday noon for any weekend game. Please fill out the form completely before emailing it or it will be returned to you and invalid unless fixed and returned by the deadline or before tickets are sold out. You will get a confirmation email to let you know that game is still available or that you will have to make a different choice, if possible.
  • You must enter as a team at the Pass Gate (located at the main Softball ticket kiosk, facing the baseball stadium) to sign in for admittance.
  • You are welcome to wear your team shirts or uniforms but that is not required! We do expect those receiving comp admissions from the University of Nebraska to NOT wear opponents clothing or colors (if not the team shirts).
  • Any questions, please contact the Ticket Office at 402-742-3111 or 800-824-4733.

Anthem Buddies are available for the following games (they will go fast and this can only be updated periodically so having a couple dates as choices is recommended):

  • March 6: Northern Colorado (2:30 p.m.)